Teri Gyemi

Guiding You From Fear to Freedom


Amanda K, Life Coach Professional - Ontario, Canada

"When I first met Teri, I had been living through the ups and downs of anxiety and depression throughout my 20’s, doing whatever I could to stay above water. She brought it to my attention that I was in my “Saturn Return”, which in the spiritual world it basically means that I was being “reborn”, and I had no idea what that meant. Now when I look at myself in the mirror after the transformation I’ve experienced, it makes perfect sense! Teri helped me to awaken my inner consciousness and become aware of the things that were holding me back from living the life I truly desired, including my lack of worthiness, self-love, and not feeling good enough.  She taught me more about myself than I could have EVER imagined, including my shadow sides that I was never able to face, and how to reconnect with God and the Universe. She taught me how to love and care for my inner child, how to step into my higher self and bring out the strong warrior who was always within me.  I never thought that I had so much to let go of from my past, but most importantly I had to let go of that old version of me. It took months of small, attainable action steps, and shifting my mindset to realign with my authentic self, and I enjoyed every minute of it!  Having Teri as my Life Coach has been the most challenging yet the most rewarding experience of my life, and I wouldn’t change it for the world! Working with her was EXACTLY what I needed all this time, and I could not be more grateful for her powerful wisdom and insight! If you’re in a place where you feel completely stuck or unsatisfied with where you’re at in life, and are ready to become the best version of yourself, I HIGHLY recommend working with Teri… I promise you won’t regret it!"

Amanda K, Life Coach Professional - Ontario, Canada
Angela P, Integrative Life Coach - Nashville, United States

"Teri is a remarkable Coaches Coach. As a Life Coach myself I found her to be highly intuitive. My coaching experience with her was incredibly moving. It gave me the spiritual healing I needed so I could move forward in my life. I am well on my way to attaining my highest vision that is best for me and my family."

Angela P, Integrative Life Coach - Nashville, United States

"This was a wonderful experience. Partnering with a ‘buddy’ helped to keep me on track and focused on the issues that present themselves. The guidance given in the group helped me to understand my story and how it led me here."

Author Unknown, 'Secret of the Shadow' Book Study Participant
Autumne H, Social Worker - Ontario, Canada

"My experience with Teri has been tremendously monumental in my life. I decided to see Teri because I knew in my heart that the "conventional therapy" I had been attending on a regular basis for years was no longer helpful. I needed something completely original, powerful and soulful. During sessions with Teri, I was challenged, emotionally moved, and motivated. Over time, I really began to see my entire life and myself in a completely different light. I felt completely understood, heard, and empathized with, but Teri also gently confronted me about the issues that were keeping my energy, mind, heart and soul stuck. She guided me through one of the most difficult times in my life, and her confidence and caring for me never wavered - even though mine did. Teri is extremely non-judgmental, passionate, kind, authentic and exceptionally skilled. I am profoundly thankful for Teri and the time we have spent together."

Autumne H, Social Worker - Ontario, Canada
Autumne H, Social Worker - Ontario, Canada

"I learned so much from my sessions with Teri. The depth in which we examined my life and my attitude was astounding. I am no longer afraid of who I really am. I embrace my light and my dark selves knowing that it is only natural to have both, and that acceptance of our complete selves is what is ultimately important. Teri shone a light on what I already knew but couldn't see, because fear was blinding me. I have learned to just notice my thoughts and fears, watch them pass by, be non-judgmental about them, and move forward. I have completed goals I never even imagined setting. I feel deeply connected to myself, I feel rooted in the earth, and I feel the energy in the Universe. Coaching with Teri was a life changing experience for me, and I will be forever in deep gratitude for her wisdom, continual support, and compassion."

Autumne H, Social Worker - Ontario, Canada

"Coaching with Teri has brought a whole new dimension to my life.  How she has assisted me to transform my life is nothing short of a miracle! She has opened the door to possibilities I never dreamed of. I am 72 and want to simply be the best I can be. I believe that age is not a factor in self-actualization. I seek to be open and aware to what Spirit has in store for me. Teri is well qualified, compassionate and non- judgmental. She is guiding me to a life I never dreamed of, with highs and lows and everyday mundane with enhanced self-awareness and confidence."

Beth P, Retired Nurse - Ontario, Canada
Betty H, Heath Coach and Entrepreneur – Ontario, Canada

"Teri Gyemi is one of the best coaches that a person could find. I hired Teri during my divorce and I found her to be a kind, loving and wise soul. She helped me to navigate all the emotions and negative self talk that came along with the break up. I would recommend her divorce coaching to anyone who doesn’t want to stay stuck. Teri helped me to move to the next level of my life and helped me to realize that there actually was one!"

Betty H, Heath Coach and Entrepreneur – Ontario, Canada

"Through Teri’s coaching; I learned how to create my own value system, learned to pray, to love, to be in the moment, to treasure differences, to trust, to learn from my own projections, to get a hold of my fears, to control my thoughts, to put up boundaries, to become empowered, and to choose self-love. Even as a coach myself, I found I was stuck on some life passage level and needed support. Teri was the perfect person to guide me."

Bisa D, Human Resources and Life Coach - Vancouver, Canada
Carla G, Student - Ontario, Canada

"The coaching process with Teri was truly an empowering and life changing experience. The work I accomplished has sent me on a new and exciting path to achieve my desired internal and external goals. This process has inspired me to go after the best vision of my life, and I have experienced great results so far.  The tools and knowledge I now have support me and as a result give me a heightened sense of self-confidence. This process has not only been one of my best investments, but one of the highlights of my year. I am very proud of my choice to do this coaching."

Carla G, Student - Ontario, Canada
Catherine O, President/CEO - California, United States

"Teri is the best personal coach I have ever had, and I have had several over the years. She has a way of making the inner work you need to do easy, painless and you feel very safe in what you disclose. Teri is extremely dedicated, fun, persistent, demanding (in the right way) and compassionate. She has a way of guiding you to reach into the depths of your being to see what drives your unhealthy choices. Then, instead of letting you regret these decisions she shows you the gift that this dark side has given you. Teri will forever be in my life as a mentor and friend.  Anyone I refer to her will be in the very best of hands."

Catherine O, President/CEO - California, United States
Celina B-C, Freelance Lighting Technician- Vancouver, Canada

“Before working with Teri, I could feel myself falling pretty low and knew I needed a change as well as a guide to help me. We all have our struggles and just being happy and content with my life was one of them. I wanted so badly to please my parents and was so busy doing so that I was forgetting about myself. Teri showed me how much I needed to start loving myself, and that you can’t change other people’s feelings, only your own. Teri has opened my eyes to a deeper part of me, a part that I had ignored and pushed aside from such a young age. The biggest thing I have learned is that this is my life. If I want to be truly happy, I need to do what makes me happy and not wait for others to give it to me. Once I started to manifest the changes I wanted in my life, opportunities started knocking on my door without me having to search for them. Now, I am going after what I want and becoming a dog trainer.  I am making changes I was hesitant to make before.  Simply visualizing me achieving these goals makes me happy, and the journey that much more exciting."

Celina B-C, Freelance Lighting Technician- Vancouver, Canada
Christina F, Entrepreneur - Colorado, United States

"If your in search of someone to stand by you, in whatever way supports you, Teri is the coach and friend who will guide you through life's road blocks. Teri supports me with her feedback, acceptance and compassion that truly has me growing on this journey. Her consistent message and love has been an endearing part of my life. I highly recommend you reach out and open your heart and invite her into your life. The choice to have Teri as my life coach has been one of the most memorable and life impacting decisions I've made."

Christina F, Entrepreneur - Colorado, United States

"My coaching experience with Teri has been life changing. I had no idea when I started my search for support with my life and marriage how the results of my experience would drastically change my perspective and direction. I was stuck, stuck in my life and stuck in my marriage. Teri helped me so much in discovering who I truly am and what I want in life. My journey with Teri as my Coach has been incredible! Teri is inspiring, supportive and motivating. Through our weekly sessions she led me down the path of discovery, recovery and healing. Teri was a true Coach and supported me all along the way. She helped me dig deep into my heart and soul and ensured I was accountable every step of the way. After our time together I was very clear about my marriage and my decision. Teri helped me to find my voice, my strength and lead me down a path of clarity and peace without regret. She is truly an amazing Coach!"

Christina H - Ontario, Canada

"Many thanks for offering to lead our book club through 'The Best Year of Your Life.' Your guidance and thought provoking questions gave me a lot of food for thought and often, a new perspective and viewpoint. You provided a safe, secure environment for sharing personal information, which I really appreciated. Personal 'space' was always protected. This was a new experience for me and I look forward to sharing another book and book club."

Claire A, Retiree - Ontario, Canada

"I learned a lot through reading this book; sharing ideas and viewpoints. The controlled and safe environment encouraged the sharing of ideas. I liked getting the feedback and points of view from the rest of the group. The ‘buddy’ system was helpful when I needed support and direction. I liked the guidance from Teri when I wasn’t clear on what I was reading. I also liked learning something new."

Claire A, Retiree and 'Best Year of Your Life' Book Study Participant

"My biggest ‘takeaway’ is that it is not a life threatening thing to look at your shadows. It can be done. The chance to see that there is a positive perspective in every situation – that nothing is all-negative. It was a different experience working in a group as opposed to individual work. I liked knowing that you could voice your thoughts and it would stay private. I really enjoyed the experience."

Claire A, Retiree and 'Secret of the Shadow' Book Study Participant

"My biggest ‘takeaway’ from the book study group was; when I am feeling bad about myself and depressed I can now realize I am back in my story with all it’s negative glory. I can stop at that point and reassess the negative thoughts I am hearing in my head. I have tools I can use to get myself out of my story and start to feel better about myself. I know that when I am feeling excited and have lots of energy I am not living in my story but I am living the life I want to live. I also have a greater insight into myself – taking responsibility for myself."

Cydney, 'Secret of the Shadow' Book Study Participant
David M, Financial Planner - Ontario, Canada

"For the past six months I've had the pleasure and privilege of working with Teri. As a personal life coach she has helped me through some very difficult times. She has helped me rediscover my focus and myself. When I look back to where I was, I am amazed at the improvements I've made in my outlook on life and in my attitude. My confidence has improved dramatically and my feeling of self-worth has improved substantially. If you have made a conscience choice to move ahead in life but don't know how, Teri is a great coach in helping you rediscover what you already knew about yourself but forgot it was there."

David M, Financial Planner - Ontario, Canada

"This was an excellent way to learn about yourself. Teri is an excellent guide during the process and the fellow participants are a great support (and keep you accountable). A life changing experience."

Debra, 'Secret of the Shadow' Book Study Participant

"We found Teri very passionate and engaging, providing knowledgeable insight on self-care and boundaries. We felt the topic of 'how to say no when you want to say yes' was valuable for those in a professional and non-professional setting."

Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay Staff
Elizabeth B, Professor, Author & Coach - British Columbia, Canada

"When I first began my coaching relationship with Teri, I had very specific outcomes in mind – all directly related to my career.  I had felt stuck for a very long time and had experienced difficulty moving forward with my writing and coaching work.  What happened next was not what I had anticipated at all!  Other parts of my life – seemingly unconnected – began to spin out of control.  Thank God, Teri was there.  I am convinced that Teri’s organic approach, flexibility in implementing her coaching tools, and straightforward, yet loving manner, saved my sanity and my life!  Teri has an amazing capacity to ask the right questions – really, really good questions.  And believe it or not, this made a huge difference for me in my ability to shift my perspective and to uncover not only worn out, useless beliefs, but also old, destructive habit patterns that were getting in the way of everything I wanted to achieve. These crises were not so unrelated to my initial goals in coaching.  These parts of my life needed to be aligned – I needed to regain my integrity before I could ever hope to move forward with my career aspirations.  Teri’s guidance and loving kindness as a coach and spiritual mentor gave me the tools I need to do that.  I have a renewed sense of commitment, clarity and personal power that had been missing from my life for some time!  I am forever grateful for Teri’s divinely timed presence in my life and would recommend her services with my whole heart!"

Elizabeth B, Professor, Author & Coach - British Columbia, Canada
Emey H, Executive Assistant - Ontario, Canada

"I acknowledge the importance you have played in my healing process. Teri what you do for people is life changing. You give hope when there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel, you give strength when all feels so bleak, you give support when I feel all alone, and what you give most of all is unconditional love. This is something we all strive to have in this very complicated world. Thank-you for making my life simple and abundant. Although I recognize I did the work there would be no work without the tools and love!"

Emey H, Executive Assistant - Ontario, Canada
Erin M, Owner of Bodymind Centre and 'The Secret of the Shadow' Book Study Participant

"In gratitude to Teri for bringing 'The Secret of The Shadow' to The BodyMind Centre. This book has been the catalyst for the most profound changes I have experienced in many years. Learning to deal with my Ego (Edging God Out) opened the door to my prison of my mind. The 1,000 voices in my mind have been silenced and the tranquility that has filled the void is what sustains me."

Erin M, Owner of Bodymind Centre and 'The Secret of the Shadow' Book Study Participant

"Before I met Teri, my life was in a state of confusion. I was in a new relationship and things were starting to come apart once again in my life.  With Teri's gentle guidance and direction, I was able to turn my life around and not make those same mistakes again. She was able to help me deal with my past and help me build a new foundation for my future. My outlook in life has changed so much. I feel that no matter what life throws at me, I will deal with it in a manner that I will be proud of. My friends tell me they notice a big change in me and I feel a big change in myself. I am confident and best of all… happy!  Now my friends want to know how they can be as happy as me. Thank you Teri, you are the best."    

Frank H, Entrepreneur - British Columbia, Canada
Frank N, Teacher - Ontario, Canada

"From the start Teri impressed me with all of her knowledge and experience in the area of spirituality and personal growth. I enrolled in a book club that Teri organized called 'Debbie Ford – The Best Year of Your Life' book club. These meetings are filled with valuable information about personal growth, with particular importance to believing in you. Believing that you can do anything you set your mind to do. It is easy to tell by Teri's attitude that she is very passionate about her work and she clearly loves what she is doing."

Frank N, Teacher - Ontario, Canada

"I reached out to Teri Gyemi for coaching because I was at a point in my life where I felt stuck. I didn't trust that I was taking the right steps in my personal, family life or professional career. I completed a 12 week coaching program where Teri was able to cover all of these areas, showing me how, interestingly, it’s all connected. Her sessions dig deep into personal beliefs and gave me real actions steps to achieve my desired goals. I was able to uncover the areas where I felt insecure and learned how to accept them and how they actually can work to my benefit. Expressing myself and communicating was challenging in my career and family life. Teri gave me the tools and methods to express these feelings which resulted in positive outcomes. Teri’s wisdom and skill sets are what set her apart from other coaching I have experienced. Since my coaching, my business has grown and I am experiencing more open communication and compassion with my family. She helped me to become a more empowered women and identify not only my needs but the needs of my children, husband and clients. This resulted in positive and stronger relationships with myself and those in my life."

Gina W, Mortgage Agent - Ontario, Canada
Halley M, Life Coach/Artist - California

"It’s a tremendous thing to gift yourself a supportive presence to hold space for your dreams, challenges, old traumas, and wins. My coaching with Teri was just that, a gift to myself. I knew there was more for me on the other side of the roadblocks I kept hitting up against. I knew there was a fuller expression of love that I could live from, and offer to others. I also knew that I couldn’t get there on my own, that I grow best with accountability, regular processing, and new and interesting insights to try on and experience the world from. Teri provided all of this and so much more. I won’t say that at the end of our coaching I arrived to some idealized life, but rather, I’ve become more honest, trusting, compassionate, patient, and dedicated to myself and those around me, and have adapted to a higher frequency that involves showing up for myself as a way of life, versus waiting around for someone else to do it. Teri helped me tremendously in striking a balance between believing fully in my dreams, and letting them go, giving them the spaciousness (and trust) they need to come to fruition. I am so deeply grateful for the year we spent together. An incredibly life-enhancing journey."

Halley M, Life Coach/Artist - California
Heather D, Owner of East Oliver Apparel - Ontario Canada

"After feeling frustrated and stuck for some time, I needed help to find my direction. After only a few sessions with Teri, I started to not only see the direction I wanted to go in, I could also feel that direction start to take form within me and all the results that came with it. Teri helped me find the answers within me I needed in order to move on and move forward with my life’s goals. My mom was right when she told me Teri would change my life, she certainly did. I have been stripped down and rebuilt from the inside out, all new wiring, new beliefs, new direction and a new confidence to go after what I want. Thank you, Teri."

Heather D, Owner of East Oliver Apparel - Ontario Canada
Helena V, Interior Designer - Ontario, Canada

"I am telling the people I care about who want to get 'unstuck' or just improve the quality of all of their relationships about my experience with Teri. It's been truly enlivening and enlightening. I just completed 12 very powerful weeks with Teri, and miracles have happened including the healing of over 25 years of old wounds and toxic relationships. In all the courses, self-help programs & books or seminars I've taken, nothing has been as powerful as this experience. Nothing short of a miracle! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for not only giving me my life back, but also for helping me set goals that 12 weeks ago seemed lofty but now are totally achievable!"

Helena V, Interior Designer - Ontario, Canada
Hélène M, Physiotherapist – Ontario, Canada

"Coaching with Teri has had a positive impact on me. It helped by making me more sure of my ways. When crossing a doorway (from a symbolic point of view), I now enter a room with confidence instead of one step backwards and one step forwards. I would recommend coaching with Teri to anyone who wants to fulfill his/her life's journey. As we speak I am in the process of creating my own channeling and healing business, as well as planning on building a house next summer. These are two steps that would have been challenging to follow through with in the past. Good luck in your journey. Mine is well underway!"

Hélène M, Physiotherapist – Ontario, Canada
Herp L, Regional Director - Ontario, Canada

"I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Teri for the last several months and I have to say she is one of the best coaches I have ever had. She has a unique ability to connect with her audience on many different levels. Her positive energy and fantastic enthusiasm spreads to the people that she is in contact with. Teri is my Personal Development coach and feel she brings a unique set of skills to the profession. I feel very confidant in the future results that I will be able to attain with her one on one coaching."

Herp L, Regional Director - Ontario, Canada

"I approached Teri because I was really unhappy with the direction my life was moving in. Teri made me realize that I was responsible for my own happiness. She gave me the tools to define my goals, and the encouragement to start working towards achieving them. As a result, I am a much happier person in all areas of my life. Teri’s coaching style is very special, she intuitively picks up on what you need to work on during your session, and is flexible enough to adjust the coaching plan to meet your needs. I found the experience to be life changing. I would recommend Teri to anyone who feels their life is not in alignment with their dreams. Teri will guide you so you can get back on track and live the life of your dreams."

Irene C, - California, United States
Jennifer S, Life Coaching Student - Toronto, Canada

"Thank you for your feedback and for all your support in the past 14 weeks! You have been incredible and have really guided me. You asked me great questions that have allowed me to step into my power and move forward into my greatness. Here's to your brilliance and to your amazing ability to lead and mentor!"

Jennifer S, Life Coaching Student - Toronto, Canada

"I started my coaching journey with Teri after feeling inspired to seek out a more holistic form of support for myself during a very tumultuous time in my life. I found Teri at the perfect time, and the choice to invest in myself has paid off in many ways. Although I felt well read in many self-help and spiritual topics, I didn't know what I didn't know! With Teri's wisdom and intuitive guidance I was able to move through blocks and make very meaningful shifts in my inner world. I now have a new and deeper relationship with myself, and a new productive relationship with negative emotion."

Jessica L, M.D. - Ontario, Canada

"Working with Teri has truly been a gift! When I first started my coaching sessions with her, almost a year ago now, I was at a point in my life where I had the job I love, the family and friends, the home I love...but, (and here is the big BUT), something always felt like it was missing. I didn't feel fully satisfied and I always questioned whether or not I was truly happy. I had the same goals for years and years without being able to figure out how to achieve them. Life coaching with Teri has brought me to the flip side of all that I used to be. That is a great and powerfully freeing place. Teri has the strategies, the wisdom and the insight to guide you as you move forward into 'THE BEST'-- the best you and the best life."

Jill T - Ontario, Canada
Jodi M, Interior Designer - Ontario, Canada

“The demise of my second relationship left me confused, very hurt and struggling. I had never experienced pain and betrayal so deep. I didn't want to ease the pain in unhealthy ways so I decided to enlist Teri’s service. It didn't matter how much time, work or money it took; I dedicated myself along with my well being to Teri’s capable hands. I found myself week by week feeling better and stronger, it was miraculous how things shifted. Although at times it was difficult, I knew I was on the fast track to recovery. Thanks to Teri, I see the world and people that surround me in a better way. I’ve learned too much to mention, but can truly say that I have recovered in several months from something that could’ve caused me a lifetime of pain.”

Jodi M, Interior Designer - Ontario, Canada

“Life isn’t always easy and our internal flame can use some outside feeding from time to time. Teri helps you step by step in understanding thoughts and feelings that prevent you from moving forward or make you feel incomplete. Her huge heart, alongside her detailed coaching experience encourages you to look at your emotions and to express them in a healthy way. Differentiating fact from fiction, which is very hard when you are hurting, are the beginning of a healing journey she is taking you on. With the right action steps she guides you to commit to your health and to become whole again. I can only speak very highly of Teri and know that I can always count on her. I am blessed to be able to work with her.”

Joerg Weingarten, IT Analyst - California, United States

"Life coaching with Teri was an eye opening experience to say the least. I've always found myself to be an outsider in this crazy world of ours, and I have always felt like I didn't really connect with most people and I always felt like I was on the wrong path. But through her teachings and with the help of valuable coaching tools, Teri helped me look deep within myself and kept challenging me to find out what my goals were and also what my weaknesses were. She taught me to use all of my traits including the negative ones to my benefit, everything serves a purpose. It turned out I was on my own path and living my life the way I saw fit and I didn't follow the "sheeple" or what society considers normal and that's why I always felt different. She helped me see that I am a strong and intelligent person who is following the beat of my own drum and living life on my own terms. Life coaching was the best investment I've made in myself because it helped me come to terms with who I am, where I came from, and what I will be able to achieve as long as I stay focused, positive and keep my goals in sight. To anyone even considering life coaching and is reading my testimonial, all I have to say is congratulations -- you have already taken the first step in your spiritual awakening and personal growth, keep going -- it's worth the discomfort. You have to be uncomfortable and you have to get out of your comfort zone to grow. When I reached out to Teri, I was very lost and she helped me find my way. I can't describe how much my life has changed this year alone and I can't wait to see what the future has in store."

Jonathan C - Ontario, Canada
Katelyn Rose, Mentor/Photographer/Blogger/Au Pair - Ontario Canada

"Before connecting with Teri, I knew I had wanted so much more out of life but I had no idea where to even start. I was so afraid of change, and of being myself - and that was exactly what I needed to achieve in order to gain the life experience I was looking for. I felt stuck, scared, unsure, and largely overwhelmed. Because of this, my dreams remained dreams and I remained sad, and lacked so much confidence when it came to moving forward in life according to what I wanted. Teri taught me SO many valuable life skills throughout each of our sessions that have allowed me to literally change my life and live a dream of mine that I had thought would never be possible. A dream that was once a 'this would be nice but I don't think I could ever do it' turned into my reality in under a year of working with Teri. Through step by step processes and specific action steps, she helped me reconnect with myself, encouraged me, and showed unconditional love, patience, and understanding as I was learning to love myself, and take charge of my life. This coaching experience has shown me how powerful each of us really are, and my biggest take away has been taking full 100% responsibility for myself and my life. After committing to the inner-work and flowing through the ups and downs, I feel so much more open and excited for life. I am more trusting of myself, and feel incredibly grateful for this life. My confidence is at a level I thought I could never get to, and my reality is now something I remember only dreaming of. I am so blessed and appreciative of Teri's wisdom and guidance."

Katelyn Rose, Mentor/Photographer/Blogger/Au Pair - Ontario Canada
Kelly L , HR Professional - Ontario, Canada

"I was very fortunate to have known Teri on a personal level earlier in my life, so when I saw her website for Transformational Coaching, it was a very easy decision to reconnect with her, not only as a friend, but as a new client. When we first started our sessions together, I was extremely stuck in a belief system that was hindering me from moving forward in my life. Through this process and with Teri's guidance, I have been able to address my negative beliefs and I have been given the wisdom to replace them with Powerful, Positive and Empowering beliefs, that have propelled me into the next phase of my life with confidence. Through Teri's honest, frank and deeply spiritual approach, I have learned about the importance and healing effects of forgiveness and the empowerment of taking responsibility for my life again. Thank you Teri for showing me the importance of nurturing the positive aspects in life, the tranquility in seeking self approval, and above all to love myself! I am enough!"

Kelly L , HR Professional - Ontario, Canada

"When I found Teri’s website online searching “life coach”, I was at a point in my life where I felt incredibly lost. I had spent 15 years dedicated to a career where every few years I would burn myself out and feel like I would have to start again. I was also at a point in my 15 year relationship with my husband where we seemed to be on such different paths that I didn’t know if we would be able to come back together and make our marriage work. Looking back, I recognize that I had become a person committed to always doing and being busy but had no idea who I was and what was truly important to me. I had also started to see that my companion in all of this was shame. Any flaw or mistake I made was just another opportunity to beat myself up or find some other “doing” activity to suppress it down. I was not “good enough” in everything I did or wanted to do and so I stayed stuck where I was.
This experience is like nothing I had ever done before. The little shifts happened over 9 months of inspiring sessions with Teri, daily reflections and a commitment to the action plans she and I created. Like Teri promised, she was with me every step of the way. She supported me to allow my inner wisdom to finally push through the muck of self hatred and shame. With Teri by my side, I was able to bring so much of what I had been repressing and hiding from to my consciousness. I was then able to make shifts in my life that seemed small at the time but I can now describe as life-changing. I became empowered to make choices based on what I want and envision for my life. I learned to set boundaries in my work and my personal life. I was able to see where accepting responsibility for my mistakes, and offering and receiving compassion allows me to give myself permission to try again. I can now question my negative thoughts and also grow from challenging experiences. It is because of Teri’s teachings that I am able to hear and honour my inner wisdom.
I am still me but now I can finally see “who” that is. I have confidence in my worthiness to be here - with myself, in my relationship, in my family, in my career and in my community. I am able to accept and love all parts of myself and be a support to myself when I stumble. In giving myself this gift, I have found compassion for others who previously sent me into a spiral of frustration, shame and hurt. Having had Teri with me to make these discoveries, I now have an openness (rather than a fear) to discover what else I can learn from my inner world and what else I can offer to my outer world. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have completed this incredible process with Teri and would encourage everyone to consider taking this journey with her by your side."

Kim M, Medical Professional - Ontario, Canada
Lauren W, Researcher - Ontario, Canada

"When I started working with Teri, I was largely dissatisfied with my career and my personal relationships. Despite being outwardly successful, I felt tired, sad and stuck in my life. Teri showed me how I was making the choice to be a victim by not taking responsibility for the things I could change. Decisions in my life were often based in fear, co-dependence and the need to receive external validation rather than thinking and acting from a place of self-love and heart-centeredness. Teri’s wisdom has opened me up to the many gifts that are available to me when I live from the inside out. Because of Teri’s unique, spiritually-grounded approach and toolkit, I have the ability to immediately identify when I’m stuck in fear-based, destructive thought patterns and the courage to identify practical ways to shift them."

Lauren W, Researcher - Ontario, Canada
Leah P, Gyrotonic & Wellness Coach - California, United States

"I started coaching with Teri to gain awareness, understanding and clarity of the aspects of myself that I did not like, denied or was uncomfortable with. Teri helped me face, accept and love my emotional, mental and even physical shadows. Through her guidance, insight and level of commitment I have taken responsibility of who I am and I how I live my life. I truly feel a sense of wholeness and I am completely dedicated to me and living my life on purpose and in the moment. I feel divinely touched by the work we have done together and I am so very grateful to have Teri in my life."

Leah P, Gyrotonic & Wellness Coach - California, United States

"My biggest ‘takeaway’ was the celebration of ‘my life’ and the clearing of ‘old energy’ that no longer serves me. This class touched my soul at so many levels. Every evening brought new revelations as doors swung open, light poured in, and the shadows of the dark were exposed. My divinity could finally be set free."

Lee, Retiree and 'Secret of the Shadow' Book Study Participant

"I was lost in life.  I always knew where I wanted to be and the person I wanted to be but through a life filled with dis-empowering choices, I was unable to move beyond being a victim.  Teri was able to guide me through the dark shadows of my life in a way that was compassionate, safe and nurturing.  I am truly experiencing life now and loving all of it.  This coaching has also brought my relationships with loved ones and friends closer than ever before.  I am forever grateful and honored to have shared this life-changing experience with Teri.  I truly couldn't have done it without her."

Linda D - Ontario, Canada

“Teri's coaching is definitely life changing!  I was feeling so "stuck" in my life. Her process really helped me to find "me" again.  Teri has guided me into a new perception of my life, and her tools and knowledge have taught me to follow my new path to happiness and love and peace!  Thanks Teri, you’re an Angel and truly an inspiration!”

Lisa D, Holistic Practitioner - Ontario, Canada

"The day I met Teri was a changing point in my life. She was speaking with passion about a book club meeting. Her enthusiasm grabbed my attention and held it while she spoke. Needless to say I was at the book club the next meeting. With Teri's guidance I have started on a journey of self discovery that has changed my life. My children and my husband have commented on how much happier I am, and I personally feel less stressed and more motivated than ever. Teri has given me insight and knowledge about myself and others, and I am thankful every day that I met her."

Lisa M, Business owner and 'Best Year of Your Life' Book Study Participant
Lori H, Post Secondary Education Program Coordinator - Ontario, Canada

"I connected with Teri looking for some direction on how I could be more productive in meeting my goals.  I quickly learned that my self worth depended on what I could accomplish. Teri’s coaching experience allowed me to connect to my true self. She walked me through many tools to use,  gave me concrete examples, and life teachings. The coaching resulted in the process of me accepting and trusting myself and my journey in the present moment. Teri always encouraged me with a non-judgmental, loving, and knowledgeable approach that provided me with sound advice on the bigger picture.  I am grateful for my personal growth that occurred during the 12 week transformational coaching experience. With love, Lori."

Lori H, Post Secondary Education Program Coordinator - Ontario, Canada

"I have hope. I am excited about life again. Excited to begin to see, understand and embrace myself honestly, and embrace the black wolf and the white within me. I’m willing to begin to nurture my fullest expression, and my fullest potential, while allowing space for my vulnerability and my imperfections. My humanity and my divinity are working with one another, versus against one another. Pretty cool shit Teri…this has been huge for me. It was at about week 5 that my wounded ego lost its hold on me and I was able to truly embrace this process. Many thanks to you...you are a gifted teacher and guide in the realm of the spirit. Keep doing what you are doing, you just changed another life…"  

Lorna A, Recreational Therapist, Artist and 'Overcome Self Sabotage' Book Study Participant
Mackenzie S, Wildlife Rehabilitation Operations Supervisor - Ontario, Canada

"Hello, my name is MacKenzie. Before coaching with Teri, I felt like my mind was spinning out of control. I was depressed enough that it took an effort for me to shower, get dressed for work and love myself. I felt unwanted, unimportant and unloved. I was so anxious I would stay up almost all night with negative thoughts running through my mind. My chest would become so tight it would be hard for me to breath. It felt like I had a dark cloud over me all the time.  I felt that this was something I had to deal with the rest of my life. My grandma has depression, my mom has anxiety, so I figured I was doomed to have both because it 'ran' in my family.  I was only 23 and I saw my future self becoming a train wreck. Teri has not just saved my life, my thoughts, and myself, but has made my life more enjoyable for me. Her coaching has rewired my way of thinking and has helped me through my anxiety, my depression, and so much more. Teri doesn’t just talk to you about how you’re  'feeling,' she gets to the root of the problem and helps you through it. Her style of coaching is personal, it’s kind and it’s full of love. I can’t say enough good about Teri and how many people, including me, she has helped live their best life. If you are feeling like you are stuck, want to be better for yourself, or want the help you deserve...CHOOSE TERI."

Mackenzie S, Wildlife Rehabilitation Operations Supervisor - Ontario, Canada

"I never thought I could feel this way. I feel strong and confident, I feel at peace with myself. You did an excellent job, you are authentic and so noble. When I was listening to you in the workshop, I was amazed by the love and the wisdom you have. You made me feel good about myself, that there's hope and something amazing is out there for me. Thank you, Teri."

Marie-Lou B, Nurse - Ontario, Canada
Marilyn S , Sales Manager - Toronto, Canada

"When I started with Teri, I had a block deep inside and felt very emotional. Teri taught me how to release these blocks and focus on my life. She guided me to not let issues pull me in, especially those that caused turmoil deep inside. I learned how to focus on me, and how to put in place healthy boundaries. I always looked forward to our time together, and to discover what was holding me back. I would recommend Teri to anyone that needs guidance, support, nurturing, love, and wants to bring happiness back into their life. Teri is a person that truly cares for you and she makes you feel connected on so many levels. Thank you Teri!"

Marilyn S , Sales Manager - Toronto, Canada

The things I liked about the program: All persons involved. Consistency- meeting each week on the same day. The work and questions at end of each chapter. Friendships and connections created within group. I’m feeling more centered and organized.

Marissa A, Teacher and 'Secret of the Shadow' Book Study Participant

"Through Teri’s Book Study Group and guidance, I found manageable ways to organize my life. I was motivated to take small steps towards my goals. What a great way to meet new friends."  

Marissa A, Teacher and 'Best Year of Your Life' Book Study Participant
Marita W, Life Coach - Detroit, United States

"Teri was my coach during a very challenging period of my life. Teri's mix of support and uncanny ability to cut through the chase, provided the foundation from where I could move beyond my story and heal my heart from my parents' divorce, my previous divorce and the difficulties in my second marriage. By helping me focus on myself - the only place I have influence - I learned the tools to not only heal past wounds, but create my life anew."

Marita W, Life Coach - Detroit, United States
Marlee P, Administrative Assistant - Ontario Canada

"Teri is an amazing life coach and has helped me completely change my life! Before I met Teri – I was miserable, lazy, unhealthy, hating my career, not overly impressed with my life or life choices.  I felt completely unlovable and in turn, didn’t love myself.  I ate poorly, smoked, drank excessively, and was mentally mean to myself.  I was never enough, very negative, and very ego driven. I spent too many years taking care of everyone except myself, and enough was enough! Over the course of a couple months, Teri and I worked on my mindset using many internal exercises that helped build my confidence, self-love, willpower, patience, understanding, happiness and most importantly forgiveness towards myself.  We worked on achieving goals, implemented daily practices/mechanisms and strategies to help me deal with past/current situations. Adjusting my mindset and wanting to be better has helped me absolutely crush so many goals. Getting my health back in check was extremely important to me.  I quit smoking immediately, increased my exercise weekly, became more conscious with what I put into my body, and most importantly – stayed conscious. Coaching with Teri has helped instill many aspects of myself that already existed, but got lost over time due to situations and my thoughts towards them.  I find that I am much more positive, always motivating and encouraging others, able to stay present, and able to see what situations are trying to teach me about myself.  I make much healthier choices, set goals and attain them, but most importantly – I know my worth and I’m excited about life!  For anyone that feels stuck, lost or just unsure of where they’re going in life – I highly suggest coaching with Teri!"

Marlee P, Administrative Assistant - Ontario Canada
Mary B, Corporate Controller - Ontario, Canada

"My experience with Teri Gyemi has been nothing less than spectacular. I cannot recommend this process enough. I have been blessed by sharing this journey with such a compassionate and informed coach like Teri. She made looking at my own darkness a sweet and empowering experience instead of an ordeal – not an easy task but Teri makes it seem effortless. I would only hope that many people embark on this journey to a peaceful world."

Mary B, Corporate Controller - Ontario, Canada
MaryAnne B, Entrepreneur - Ontario, Canada

"Teri is a skilled Life Coach who teaches in a soulful and intuitive way that allows peace and joy to become the norm. Anxiety and depression no longer have a hold. The wisdom and confidence that is gifted to me each time I use what I have learned is just amazing. I am grateful to have had this opportunity and highly recommend Teri as a mentor and coach."

MaryAnne B, Entrepreneur - Ontario, Canada
Mavis S, Teacher - Manitoba, Canada

"I was in a love hate relationship with myself and my life; blaming others, feeling unworthy, and not loving my Divine Self. Teri worked with me and held me accountable for my actions. She helped me heal many shadows by taking me through an unbelievable process that is so simple to do and understand. Thanks Teri for the process of ThetaHealing, how powerful and perfect that was for me. I know now that I am all that I need to feel whole. I am truly grateful for your guidance."

Mavis S, Teacher - Manitoba, Canada
Melissa C, Strategic Initiatives Officer - Canada

"Working on myself for the last three years was a major priority for me, and it was easy to focus on the physical me with the exercising​; however, focusing on me mentally and emotionally was a lot harder to prioritize, or even just figuring out what that meant. I was struggling hard emotionally and mentally and I knew that, but I just didn’t know what could work for me. I had given therapy a few tries, and found out quickly that it was not for me and felt more angry at the process than anything. They just didn’t ​'get me.​' I have struggled with a lot of trauma in my past that I never dealt with, and barely speak about to this day, and recognized that my patterns as an adult from these life experiences were causing barriers. My friend told me about her experience with a Life Coach and how it changed her life, and sent me Teri’s information. I was skeptical - because of my previous bad experiences with just trying to talk about my life and my deeply rooted hate from ​'toxic positivity​', but what I received from going through this process with Teri was more than I could have ever imagined. My goal ​was to be happy and to feel at peace, which seemed like an impossible end goal​ for me. The process, tearing the house down and rebuilding it, understanding your past and how those belief systems have shaped you as an adult and literally in everything you do. In recognizing yourself in others, in recognizing that how you think about yourself is how others will see you and ultimately treat you, were all major ​'chapters​' that I came to understand​.​ ​I​ realized why things kept ending up the same way they always had for me.  This process isn’t easy, and uncovering a lot of stuff and dealing with it is probably the most exhausting thing you can do emotionally and mentally - but worth it and needed. Teri made me feel seen, validated and understood, which is something I can honestly say I have never felt before. This process worked for me, and helped me really understand who I am as a person, who I want to be and who I can be​. It also​ taught me​ how to deal with things when life throws you those curve balls. You can’t ask for better with Teri and what she taught me will stick with me for my entire life. This process and Teri were life changing for me and it was the best investment in myself that I have ever made."

Melissa C, Strategic Initiatives Officer - Canada
Melody McG, Nurse and ‘Best Year of Your Life’ Book Study Participant

"It`s just not possible to describe all that I gained. I have been blessed with new friendships. The doors to many new concepts and ideas have been opened. I have rediscovered gratitude and reclaimed my personal strength. I have had tremendous experiences in self acceptance. Together as a group, as we each explored our own paths, we learned to question our thoughts and the beliefs we had always simply understood to be true. This is not a time management or goal setting course. This is a group about intentions, choices and commitment. It`s about connection and above all, honesty. This is about peeling away the layers of shallow distractions and identifying the fears and obstacles that prevent us from reaching our true potential. It`s about beginning to live life on purpose. Teri is the perfect person to walk with you for a few steps along your journey. Her energy, her knowledge and her experience make her the perfect guide. This is such important work and should only be entrusted to someone worthy of that trust. Teri is just that person."  

Melody McG, Nurse and ‘Best Year of Your Life’ Book Study Participant

"That process work is really never finished – Amongst the ashes comes new life. I was surprised at the past emotions I thought were dealt with that came up. Teri is a wonderful presenter. She is very attentive and makes sure everyone in the group has a chance to speak. My biggest ‘takeaway’ is that this work is like an onion, layer after layer. Even if you think you have done lots of work on yourself, there are deeper levels, and things buried so deep you may not be aware. Be Yourself, Love Yourself, Accept Yourself. It’s all about love."

Monique, Retired Postee, Healer and 'Secret of the Shadow' Book Study Participant

"Teri is truly a shoulder to shoulder coach. She is relatable, empathetic, holds you accountable, but also helps you uncover the reasons why you may not be holding yourself accountable.  It's difficult for me to choose just one thing about my coaching experience with Teri that was the most impactful. If I had to, it would be the sense of peace I was able to find within myself,  a sense of peace that I was never able to accomplish before. This level of peace never seemed attainable before given my constant battle with anxiety. A thousand thank-you's for giving me the tools to beat the "black wolf." I am forever changed and open to embrace whatever comes next."

Natasha M, Regional Manager - Ontario, Canada

"Since my brain injury, I believed that I was no longer capable of dedication, focus or any level of mental or cognitive brilliance. Through coaching I came to realize that my drive, ambition and resolve had not left my psyche, but were still in tact. I realized that the 'new' me was the 'old' me with a new spiritual depth of wisdom, calm, and gentleness. Now I have a better aim at doing the right things, from the heart while nourishing others. Teri helped me realize that the gift of the accident afforded me a state of gentleness and grace, as well as peace and inner strength. I have come to love everyone and everything on this planet. I feel I have come full circle. I love life and I am grateful to be a part of it. Thank you Teri for what you do."

Norman F, General Contractor - Toronto, Canada

"The first time I heard Teri speak, I was aware of her energy and wonderful positive spirit. She gave me hope! I had counseling in the past; however, Teri gave me the tools I needed to change the behavior to make me successful. At times it was not easy, but she was always there to help me work through the situation and gave me positive insight. I am a work in progress; creating more peace, love and understanding in my life. I’ve come to learn, it is all about the choices I make."

Pat Henderson, Retired Nurse - Ontario, Canada

"The insight you gave me about 'facts vs fictions' within my relationship to my ex wife has really opened my eyes. This new way of seeing my divorce has helped me feel more like the negative experiences were just lessons learned and that it is something positive to look at. I feel good about this realization. I feel like the steps we take weekly are really insightful, so I am simply looking forward to your next insightful session!"

Paul C, Medical Doctor - Toronto, Canada
Rianna H, Student - Ontario Canada

"Teri is an energetic, inspirational being that radiates positive energy every time I see her. She has a way of helping me look inside to find the answers without even knowing that I am doing it. From the moment that I met Teri I knew I was in for a treat and that she was someone that I wanted to be there beside me guiding me on my journey to 'The Best Year of my Life.' I couldn't have asked for a better book or Life Coach at a better time in my life. Thank you for being there for me when I needed the most help."

Rianna H, Student - Ontario Canada

"Teri’s energy encourages openness whether to share aloud or quietly soul search. Her conviction in the energy of the universe is contagious and as she facilitates a group, the collective energy is evident. Teri exudes a keen sincerity in the well being of each individual. Thank you Teri. Co-workers have noticed my attitude changes, the acceptance of my day to day, and the energy to move forward on my wish list."  

Sandra C, 'Best Year of Your Life' Book Study Participant
Sandra W, Advertising Executive - California, United States

"When I first started talking to Teri, I was going through a divorce. I felt a lot of guilt, because of the way I had left. Teri helped me to see how I would regret making decisions under these circumstances. What a revelation! Before coaching, I was willing to settle for next to nothing from a sixteen year marriage in which we equally built a business and renovated homes. Because of the work I did on myself through the divorce coaching I was in a better emotional state and as a result ended up having an equitable settlement. My ex husband and I are still friends today, because of Teri's guidance. Thank you Teri for all your help."

Sandra W, Advertising Executive - California, United States
Sharla B, Journey to Wellness

"Teri Gyemi is a most talented, inspiring and compelling speaker. She keeps her audience with her throughout by personalizing the message so that each person can relate. The audience leaves the presentation feeling they have gained a great deal of knowledge that can be applied to their everyday lives. They also leave with effective tools, inspiration and empowerment to that will assist them to create change. I would strongly recommend Teri Gyemi as I would use her services again without question."

Sharla B, Journey to Wellness
Steve M, President/CEO - Ontario, Canada

"Teri Gyemi is a natural coach. Although the answers I needed were within me, they would have remained there, clouded and over shadowed by the day to day crisis that I face as a business owner. Teri patiently guided me the whole way. By calling attention to my inner voice and its wisdom, Teri showed me how to be true to myself without having to compromise my integrity in pursuit of my goals.  I am now well on the way to achieving a level of personal and business success that I had previously felt unattainable. I am forever in her debt."

Steve M, President/CEO - Ontario, Canada
Sylvie B, Interior Designer - Ontario, Canada

"Working with Teri was not only life changing, but it was life inspiring. I had the pleasure of working closely with Teri after a divorce and she was able to turn every negative experience into one of learning and motivation for a brighter future. Teri has the ability to help you realize your true value and she can open your eyes to the brightest and most abundant future possible. I would highly recommend her services for anybody who is questioning their purpose, their drive, and their own goals in life."

Sylvie B, Interior Designer - Ontario, Canada
Tanya R, Birthing Coach - Ontario, Canada

"Thank you so much for everything. It is so nice to live so fully aware! It gives me confidence to know I have the power, skills and tools to live uninhibited in this new life. I could never have accomplished this without your guidance. I am so grateful for you."

Tanya R, Birthing Coach - Ontario, Canada
Tonia B, Day Care Owner and Operator - Ontario, Canada

"Prior to my life coaching sessions with Teri, I did not know which way to turn for help. I was lost and confused emotionally and spiritually, looking for answers about my purpose in life. After attending a workshop given by Teri and listening to her speak, I knew I wanted to connect and work with her. I had reached a point in my life where I no longer wanted to feel sad, angry and confused about my role in this world. From the first phone call with Teri, I felt an instant connection. The processes Teri brings you through is like peeling an onion. As you work through these layers you cry, laugh and have many a-ha moments. Everything you learn comes from yourself, your inner wisdom which Teri helps you connect to during your phone call. After all the layers have been peeled away, what is left is the real you. I did not think I would ever find myself, but with Teri's knowledge, wisdom and encouragement, a bright shiny diamond was uncovered - ME! My life has changed so dramatically in ways I could have never imagined. Even though life has its ups and downs, through this new sense of self-confidence and wisdom I have acquired while working with Teri, I literally feel like I can change the world!"  

Tonia B, Day Care Owner and Operator - Ontario, Canada

"When I contacted Teri I was in a bad place in my life again. I have had many regular therapy sessions through the years, and that would be many as I am now 66. They did help at the time, but I was finding as the years were going along and I kept falling into my dark space again that I wanted something different. It was not helping me to just {rehash} my life to someone and go home and do the same things again and again. I wanted to know why I was doing what I was doing, how I could change my behaviours so that I did not keep going backwards. Teri made me see myself in a different way, going all the way back to being a little girl. This was really shocking and very enlightening for me as I always thought that that person did not exist anymore... boy was I wrong. That person is alive and well and has really taught me a lot about my life and the reason for many of my decisions. I now can accept things from my past and not blame myself or others. I am now looking forward to my future and my family's future, as I can now interact with them much better and also accept the things that they are doing in a better way. We all have our own path to follow. I feel I have made a friend in Teri. Teri is so kind, supportive, understanding, non-judgmental, knowledgeable, loving, wise. My journey is not over. It still takes a lot of work, I have to stay focused, and it is very easy to fall into your old way of thinking...that is not what I want for me.  This is going to be a way of life, not just a few months that I spent going through all of this with Teri.  Thank you, Teri, for giving me back my life. Your friend, Wendy"

Wendy S, Retail Sales/Budding Entrepreneur - Ontario, Canada
Zena C, Life Coaching Student - London, United Kingdom

"I was so frustrated and I felt I was at a dead end. My one desire to graduate and be a professional life coach was fading away. I felt so powerless. That's when Teri, a few days before my exam changed my life. She guided me into my internal world to free me from my self-sabotage of not passing my exam. I felt so safe as she helped me bring light and hope to my situation. Teri opened up my world to a new conscious level! Now, I passed my exams and I feel I can achieve any goal I desire! Who ever gives themselves the gift of being coached by Teri, will give themselves the gift of a miraculous life."

Zena C, Life Coaching Student - London, United Kingdom
Zena C, Life Coach - London, United Kingdom

"Teri, I just want to say that on your website you should have a big warning sign: that when coached by you, people will experience intense happiness. You will want to smile so much you'll want to hide - so people won't think you're crazy! I feel so overwhelmed with happiness that I can’t stop smiling, like I won. I feel this strong energy of self-confidence inside me. I now have a deeper understanding of the power of having a coach. But I don't have any coach, I have the best coach! Thank you so much Teri."

Zena C, Life Coach - London, United Kingdom